You’ve been heard…

I would like to thank the 7 people who took the time to contact me after the Independent  published my home phone number on the front page of Saturday’s paper. The editorial said that because I was an elected official I should be accessible to the public. Previously I had naively believed that the public Board meetings, my easily located phone numbers at the Board of Education and my business office,  2 email addresses, personal Blog on my website (, television show, local phone book, daily visits to the YMCA, numerous civic functions and general visibility all around town  was enough. No, some well meaning Editor  thought that he should subject my wife and children to possible danger in this heated environment because of a percieved  sense of imminent doom. Does anyone really wonder why more professionals in our town don’t run for public office?

Perhaps if the Editor re-read articles previously published in the Inde  he would have picked up a few pieces of info that would put him or her at greater ease. In no particular order:

The Board of Education is the entity elected to represent the public in the functioning of “their” School System. We are not some evil corporation hell bent on abusing our workforce under the threat of closing the mill and moving overseas. Any expenses committed  in excess of our projected revenue,  in any contract would have to come from you -the tax payer. Something you have told us is very difficult to do in these tough economic times.

The current teacher contract negotiations are for a “new contract”. The one they are currently working under will continue in force. What does that mean? Our teachers will continue to get paid, enjoy quality health care, a generous retirement system and annual step raises. Where is this life and death urgency coming from?

The current labor negotiations in our school system are being managed by individuals representing the Board of Education and the various organized labor groups. Negotiations are extremely complex and subject to laws, rules and regulations someone on a part-time Board would be hard pressed to understand. However, if it would help, I would be honored to sit in and will express this to my Board.

Please realize that we are in the middle of a negotiation process. Unfortunately, one of the bargaining  teams decided  to play on the emotions of a town reeling from  a weak economy, several plant closings and skyrocketing fuel costs, choosing to negotiate through the media. Any reasonable person should be upset and insulted by such an unethical ploy. Were none of these team members able to contact our Superintendent directly or possibly use one of my many phone numbers to let us know that there was a  problem? I am certainly an accessible person, as the many teachers I speak to on a regular basis can attest.

Also understand that I am fully aware of the importance of a positive working environment for our school system. I  realize the importance of a good working relationship with the media. What I don’t understand is the timing of this current media blitz. Why risk the failure of a renewal levy that could potentially cause a reduction of the very staff that this bargaining team is supposed to be representing? Perhaps these  representatives are in over their heads and should solicit some better advice – the same way that I do. The importance of the situation certainly justifies the effort necessary to find a better way to communicate.

I am proud to be a member of the Massillon Board of Education. I ran because I believe that any child who doesn’t get a college education or some advanced technical/vocational training will have a very difficult time surviving in today’s world. I believe that our school system has significant issues at every level that are holding us back- and that people with the ability to help should.

In my first 7 months I have watched  members of the Board of Ed. come under a State Ethics investigation, the retirement of one superintendent before his contract expired, the hiring of a new one who quit under extenuating circumstances , the freezing of construction  associated with the Dream Project and now this incessant attack on the interim superintendent. A man who represents our best shot at fixing many of the issues impacting our school system. When do I get to talk about education?

Popularity: 12% [?]

2 Responses for “You’ve been heard…”

  1. Hi, gr8 post thanks for posting. Information is useful!

  2. Jack says:

    Thanks for that. It’s very good stuff.
    I really like to read

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