Thank you for the gifts…

It was a Friday night with an extra measure of pride in the air as crowds of Massillon Tigers, young and old, filtered through the new Paul L. David Athletic Training Facility. There was a look of awe and disbelief that something this amazing could be sitting on the campus of our local High School.

As great as the structure it self is, the David family would be the first to remind us that this facility is only one part of this unique initiative. The D.R.E.A.M. Project is first and foremost about education. It is part of the living legacy of a man whose life exemplified the promise of this great country. A dream that his family is continually trying to share with the children of our town. It is a visionary marriage between a city’s love of athletics and the realization that our children will need some form of higher education to succeed in today’s world.

To insure success for this groundbreaking project the David’s forged partnerships with many great minds and organizations in our county. Yet, in spite of this great effort it is still a dream as yet unfinished- stalled by the actions of a few people who have failed to keep their focus on the greater good.

To the David family who dare to dream of a better life for our children, I say thank you. In addition, I would like to extend the great appreciation and admiration of the people of Massillon. We are humbled by your service to your fellow man and the generations of kids who will benefit by your charitable nature. We commit ourselves to being good stewards of this gift and to never lose sight of the dream. It is my great desire that the actions of the few don’t detract from the greater good you have shown us. Again, thank you!

Marshall Weinberg

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